2023 was the first full year of working with the new sustainability programme and its objectives.

We calculated our carbon footprint for the second time

In 2022, Otava carried out a large-scale update of its sustainability action to bring it in line with the new sustainability programme. The aim was to create a clear and well-organised package that supports Otava’s business through concrete action. Sustainability was reviewed both for the Otava Group as a whole and within individual business areas.  

2023 was the first full year of working with the new sustainability programme and its objectives.

Otava’s carbon footprint was calculated for the second time in spring 2023. In June 2023, Otava published its first Sustainability Report as part of its preparations for statutory sustainability reporting.   

We calculated our carbon footprint for the second time.

We carried out the double materiality analysis required by the CSRD Directive as part of our preparations for future sustainability reporting.

We also conducted a CSRD and ESRS gap analysis, and assessed the taxonomy eligibility of our business operations.

The Otava Group’s star sustainability moments 2023

We calculated our carbon footprint for the second time.

In June 2023, we published the first Sustainability Report in the history of the Otava Group.

We carried out the double materiality analysis required by the CSRD Directive as part of our preparations for future sustainability reporting. We also conducted a CSRD and ESRS gap analysis, and assessed the taxonomy eligibility of our business operations. 

In late 2023, we joined the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the UN Global Compact. Joining this network will support our sustainability efforts and further strengthen our commitment to sustainable business practices. 

Our businesses arranged a working capacity leadership package for their supervisors.

In 2023, our businesses also implemented concrete sustainability measures based on their own sustainability programmes.

Suomalainen Kirjakauppa:

Suomalainen Kirjakauppa reduced the number of products that had to be pulped by revising the removal process and launching cooperation with Finlandia Book with respect to products that were destined for pulping.

Suomalainen Kirjakauppa also piloted the recycling of new books in its stores. This trial is still ongoing.

Otava Book Printing:

Otava Book Printing was given the right to use the FSC label in late 2023. This label guarantees that the raw materials we use in our books are sustainably sourced. 

Otava Publishing Company:

Otava Learning launched its first sustainability programme and appointed an internal sustainability team to promote its objectives.

Otava Publishing Company, Otava Book Printing and the parent company conducted an employee survey on diversity, equality and inclusion. Based on the results of this survey, Otava Publishing Company and the parent company established a joint DEI team to promote these topics  within the workplace. 


Otavamedia enhanced its stakeholder collaboration by developing a workflow for conducting smooth partnership surveys.

A series of three workshops was organised for Otavamedia personnel to provide them with training on topics such as our Code of Conduct.